What are your current favorite movies?

The concept of the western audience is disputed by the graph below which shows the years released of respondents current favorite films of their favorite actors (many respondents had multiple choices here, for the purposes of this graph I included the first named, but I will certainly be giving proper weight to each one when I discuss attitudes and tastes in more detail in my final project).

Year Released of Favorite Movie

As you can see, while the majority of the films are still post-2000, they include many recent releases indicating an expanding and growing interest among fans, as well as a variety of releases from previous decades going all the way back to the 1950s golden age.  A more detailed graph, detailing the exact titles of films, is below.

Favorite Movie

As you can see, there is much greater diversity on this graph than on the one indicating the first film watched.  There are both more films selected in general, and the dominance of the most popular selections is much less.

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